Divine Connections

Ruth 1:1-17 Ruth was divinely connected to Naomi! When you are divinely connected you willingly serve and follow - when others stop! There something more pulling you past. Where other people feel they have gone far enough! When Orpah kissed Naomi and said goodbye. Ruth refused to be swayed in her commitment to what God put in her spirit! When God has you divinely connected there's a pull in your spirit that's says I won't stop serving and following just because others have! Naomi gave both Ruth and Orpah the option to go back to their home country, their relatives, and their god. To go back to the familiar. To the old way of doing things. Resist the urge of going back to old ways, old habits and people just because it's familiar or comfortable. When you are divinely connected it requires Faith to push past the normal. You must push past the natural (what makes sense to you) to obtain the supernatural favor and provision of God! Your unconditional service to God is what ultimately divinely connects you to the destiny God has prepared for you. There are times when what God has called you to do things that doesn't make sense to you or others. Ruth choosing to serve did make sense to Naomi. Ruth expected nothing in return for her service to Naomi. But it was that attitude that God could not ignore! What Ruth did not know is that her loyal, committed service had gotten God's attention! Imagine the things that can happen in your life when your service gets his attention!! When you serve like no one else does. You position yourself to receive favor no one else has! I encourage you to stay divinely connected.